LOUISVILLE, Ky. - On Friday, July 19, Louisville Mayor Craig Greenberg visited KMAC Contemporary Art Museum on Main St. to announce a successful SummerWorks work season and highlight the program’s lasting partnership with the museum.
“We know that a quality summer job experience makes a lasting difference in the life of a young person,” said Mayor Greenberg, who reported that a record 3,400 youth registered on the SummerWorks program’s online jobs platform this season. “Young Louisvillians from across the city experienced a variety of jobs in fields ranging from science, engineering, manufacturing, construction, customer service, and education.”
Mayor Greenberg touted the program’s long-time private sector partners, including GE Appliances, Humana, Kentucky Kingdom, Norton Healthcare and UPS, while also emphasizing the important role that public agencies and nonprofits play in offering diverse options for young job seekers. One of the nonprofit partners, KMAC Contemporary Art Museum, first hired through SummerWorks in 2016.
Jasmine Groves (pictured above) was hired by KMAC after working at the museum as a SummerWorks intern during high school.
“I am so grateful I was hired on here after completing my SummerWorks internship,” said Jasmine Groves, a former SummerWorks intern at KMAC who was hired as a full-time employee of the museum after graduating college. Recent PRP High School graduate and current SummerWorks intern Samantha Vega echoed the value of the opportunity. “I love it here,” said Vega, who helps with the museum’s summer camps for kids and at the front desk. “I plan to study graphic design at Murray State this year, and it’s nice to get this experience before I start college.”
SummerWorks’ core operating funds are approved by the Louisville Metro Council. Private donors in 2024 include the Jewish Heritage Fund, JPMorganChase, James Graham Brown Foundation, the Ginkgo Fund, and David Jones Jr. and Mary Gwen Wheeler.
“JPMorganChase knows a prosperous and inclusive job market is the foundation of a strong economy. While there isn’t a silver bullet to get us there, summer youth employment opportunities are a critical part of the solution,” said Chris Reyes, Banking Regional Director for JPMorganChase. “Together, we can use our collective resources to help bridge the gap and ensure Louisville youth are prepared for the future because they are our future.”
All Louisville youth who are between the ages of 16-21 (as of June 1) are eligible to enroll in SummerWorks. The program is operated by YouthBuild Louisville in partnership with KentuckianaWorks, the Louisville Region’s Workforce Development Board.
Photos in the gallery below were taken by Casey Womack.

Media Coverage
WHAS11: Louisville mayor celebrates 2024 SummerWorks group
WDRB: Louisville celebrates 2024 SummerWorks program
WAVE News: Information on the SummerWorks season
See Louisville MetroTV’s full stream of the event below.