A Look Inside The Finishing Trades Program

On June 17, the SummerWorks program kicked off their six-week long summer trade skills workshop at the Finishing Trades. This workshop teaches young adults ages 16-21 trades skills in wall coverings, paint and industrial coatings, welding, glazing and glass work, drywall taping, signage and much more. These young adults are able learn valuable skills to use either in their homes or to take into a career. Additionally, they are paid to learn these skills. The wide variety of trades offered by the Finishing Trades allow for apprentices to take on their interest and guide them to an array of different ventures.

Watch the video to hear from some of the participants about their first week. In the first week, apprentices were instructed on the different practices and safety procedures before they move on to the more engaging and hands-on work.

This content was created by Alex Payton, a SummerWorks intern with KentuckianaWorks.